As soon as I came up with the idea for this site, my brain went into overdrive. I started generating list topic after list topic. There were so many popping into my head that I was giving myself anxiety over having to remember them all. So I pulled out my phone and created a list of all the lists I want to write. Needless to say, I grabbed my phone and made a list of all the lists that I wanted to write.
At 2 AM.
Thank you, brain.
The good news is, once I was able to get them out of my head and into list form, my brain quieted down and let me sleep.
Thank you, brain.
So, without further ado, here is the list of all the lists I want to write, according to my brain at 2AM:
- Latest Amazon purchases
- Books we have checked out from the library
- Best dairy-free ice cream flavors
- Favorite food blogs
- Tried and true recipes
- All the different elimination diets I’ve tried
- Favorite foods
- Comma rules
- Favorite musicians
- Musicians I always forget I love
- Favorite gel polish colors
- Favorite places to go in Pittsburgh, PA
- Favorite self help books
- Products I’ll never buy the generic of
- Songs the kids belt out every time they come on
- Best low-carb snacks
- Things I always have in my pantry
- Things in the kitchen that I use daily
- Sewing patterns that I’ve used and enjoyed
- Craft projects we’ve tried (and loved)
- Books in my TBR (to be read) queue
- The complete list of books I read in 2024
- Books I read that got a 5-star rating
Anything you think I should add to the list?
Like what you’re reading and want to submit your own list? Heck yeah! You can submit one here. Why? Because making lists is fun and sharing is caring.
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